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These curing measures of polyester spinning machine are introduced

1, often check polyester spinning machine

Check whether the sound of transmission parts in the front and rear transmission box is normal; Whether the synchronization belt deviates; Whether the bearings at the roller parts, friction roller parts, wire guide and transmission parts are heated and vibrated; Whether there is a scar on the roller; Whether the false twister and bobbin holder clamps and rollers are flexible in rotation, etc.

2. Maintenance of polyester spinning machine regularly

The minor repair is mainly to clean the equipment and check the damage of the running parts and the wire guide, etc.; In addition to the inspection of cleanliness, the overhaul is to increase the inspection of the transmission parts of the synchronous belt, synchronous belt pulley clean and wear; Open the groove cylinder, slide, slide block, etc. Maintenance cycle: once every 2-5 weeks for minor maintenance and once every 1-3 months for major maintenance.

3. Maintenance of hot box

When the filament passes through the hot box pipe, the spinning oil on the filament is heated and volatilized, and a small part of components with low boiling point remain in the heat pipe. The fouling formed after coking will affect the heating effect of the filament and cause the quality of DTY to decline, so it needs to be removed regularly. The cleaning cycle depends on the size of the processed wire, the running speed of the machine and the type and content of POY oil, which is usually 2-3 months. Clean the wire guide tube in the strong hot box regularly. Take out the pipe from above, dip it in 15%-20% lye and heat it, take it out after cooling, wash it with hot water, then blow dry it with compressed air, check whether the dirt inside the pipe is clean. When cleaning the pipe, take care not to damage the pipe mouth, inner surface and other machine parts.

The guide pipe in the second hot box should be cleaned regularly. Turn the hot box to the inclined state, take out the pipe from above, dip it in 15%-20% lye and heat it, take it out after cooling, wash it with hot water, then blow dry it with compressed air, check whether the dirt inside the pipe is clean. When cleaning the pipe, pay attention not to make the pipe mouth and inner wall hairless, so as not to rub the damaged pipe into the processed silk.
