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How to identify drafting machine?

How to identify drafting machine?

First, normal operation and good performance:

A. The drawing capacity can meet the normal production needs or reach the design capacity;

B. The oiler is complete and easy to use, the joint does not leak oil, the oil injection point is smooth, the oil cup is easy to use, the lubricating oil (grease) is chosen in accordance with the regulations, and the temperature of the gear box or bearing does not exceed the specified value;

C. No noise in the running balance of each transmission component, the axial displacement and amplitude meet the standard, and the motor current value does not exceed the rated value;

D. No obvious leakage of each seal.

Second, the internal parts are not damaged and the quality meets the requirements:

A. The material selection of the main parts, the coordination of each part, wear limit and pendulum momentum of the spindle of the filament tractor shall all conform to the design and maintenance regulations;

B. All parts in contact with the fiber are smooth and free from punctures.

Third, the main body is clean and the parts are complete and easy to use:

A. The pressure reducing valve and safety valve should be checked regularly, complete and accurate;

B. Safety protection and alarm devices are complete and easy to use, and all kinds of wire guides are complete;

C. The foundation shall be firm and complete, and the anchor bolts and connecting bolts of each part shall be fully fastened, neat and fastened;

D. The inlet and outlet valves and the lubrication, cooling, heating and air pressure pipelines shall be installed reasonably, without blocking or leakage, and the view mirror shall be clean;

E. Clean body and complete paint.

Fourth, the technical data should be complete and accurate, including:

A. Equipment files, and meet the requirements of the equipment management system in petrochemical enterprises;

B. Equipment structure diagram and vulnerable parts diagram.
