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Suzhou Zhan Heng intelligent to introduce to you what types of spinning machine?

Suzhou Zhan Heng intelligent to introduce to you what types of spinning machine? 

 A machine for forming fibrous polymer solutions or melts into filaments. According to different fiber spinning methods, spinning machines are divided into three types: wet spinning machine, melt spinning machine and dry spinning machine. picture Wet spinning machine is suitable for spinning viscose fiber, acrylic fiber, vinylon and so on. 

The main feature is that the polymer solution is extruded from the spinneret hole and solidified into the primary fiber in the solidification solution tank, and the spinning speed is low, often below 100 meters/min, and the high-speed spinning speed can reach about 200 meters/min. Wet spinning machine is divided into two kinds of short fiber and long fiber. ① Short fiber spinning machine: the spinning stock liquid is introduced from the infusion tube, accurately measured by the metering pump, filtered through the filter into the spinneret, extruded from the spinneret hole into the coagulation bath, after solidification, the primary fiber is gathered into a bundle through the wire guide tray and then washed or stretched. 

The short fiber spinning machine is characterized by a large number of holes in the spinneret (plate), usually 3,000 to tens of thousands of holes. Filament spinning machine: Different from short fiber spinning machine, the winding mechanism of solidified silk strips is increased. After washing the strips from the coagulation bath, they pass through the guide pan and enter the centrifugal tank with high speed through the guide funnel which moves up and down. Such spinning machine is called centrifugal pot spinning machine; If the wire is wound on the bobbin through the yarn guide, it is called the bobbin spinning machine; If there is a partial post-processing process before winding, it is called a semi-continuous spinning machine; If all the processes of spinning and post-processing are completed continuously on the spinning machine, it is called a continuous spinning machine. 

Continuous spinning machine is used in the production of viscose cord. The spinneret for spinning filament is generally less than 150 holes, and the number of holes for spinning cord fibers is up to 3000 holes. Melt spinning machine Used in polyester, polyamide and polypropylene spinning equipment. 

The characteristic is that the melt flow is coagulated into fiber by cold air, and the cold air is evenly blown to the fine flow after the high efficiency filter, regulating valve and diversion device. The spinning speed is high, generally 600 ~ 1500 m/min. There are also two types of melt spinning machines. 

 Filament spinning machine: After the polymer slicing hopper enters the screw extruder, it is melted and pushed into the spinning box by the screw through the catheter. The melt is metered and transported to the spinneret (plate) in the box by spinning pump. The melt extruded from the spinneret hole is cooled and solidified into fibers by cold air in the spinning window. After being oiled, it is wound on the bobbin by the winding mechanism. The number of holes of the filament spinneret is generally several holes to dozens of holes. When spinning the cord, it can reach about 200 holes, and when spinning brown silk, there is only one hole.

 At this time, the melt is cooled and solidified into silk by water bath. The trend of melt spinning filament spinning machine in the 1970s is: multi-head spinning, that is, each spinning part is equipped with 2, 3, 4, 6 or even more spinnerets to improve the output of the machine; High-speed spinning, spinning speed of 3500 ~ 4000 m/min, even up to 5000 m/min or more; Large roll, the volume of each bobbin can generally reach 10 kg to dozens of kg; Continuous, spinning and drawing are completed at the same time in a spinning machine, there are also spinning, drawing, deformation processes are completed in a spinning machine (referred to as BCF production), which has been applied in the production of polypropylene and nylon. This kind of machine has compact structure, small footprint and high production efficiency. In addition, the degree of automation of spinning machines is also increasing. Short fiber spinning machine: compared with filament spinning machine, it is characterized by the use of large porous spinneret, the general number of holes is 400 ~ 1100, and has been developed into porous spinning, the number of holes up to 4000; There is no separate winding mechanism for each spinning part. After the silk strips in each part pass through the wire guide or small rotor, the tow is led to the wire feeding wheel by the tractor, and then the tow is placed in the silk bucket. The capacity of each barrel can reach 450 ~ 2000 kg. The direct spinning method is often used to produce short fibers in large synthetic fiber factories. In recent years, melt spinning short-range spinning machines without spinning channels have appeared. Dry spinning machines are used for the filament production of acrylic and vinylon. The spinning stock enters the tunnel from the infusion tube through the filter, metering pump and spinneret. The fine flow is met with hot air in the tunnel, the solvent evaporates, the high polymer solidifies into fiber in the fine flow, and then the tow is wound into a certain coil. Dry spinning speed is generally 200 ~ 800 m/min. In order to meet the needs of special spinning processes, dry-wet spinning machines appeared in the 1970s  
