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High temperature melt pump application spinning chemical fiber industry production process

High temperature melt pump application spinning chemical fiber industry production process 

 The purification of polymer materials and the polymerization of organic chemical fibers are produced using polymer materials. Such polymers can be obtained immediately from nature or artificially from low-component structures. The recycled fiber is made from natural high polymer by organic chemistry. Its organic chemical composition is similar to that of the original polymer. For natural polymers, they must be purified to remove their residues. 

For example, the polymer used to make viscose fiber is cellulose, which is purified from the fiber to make pulp, and then made from the fiber into pulp, such as wool, wood, futon, bagasse, etc From coal, crude oil, gas, agricultural non-staple food and other production of chemical substances with single molecular structure as raw materials, by chemical polymerization to produce polymer, by condensation polymerization to produce polymer. After the production and processing of the polymer, the fiber is eventually formed. Therefore, the forming fiber is usually named after the individual of its polymer, and before the single complete polymerization ". The spinning solution of the fiber forming polymer must be spun in a certain way before spinning. 

At present, the commonly used methods are melt method and melt method. The fusion method refers to the melting of the fiber forming polymer and the melting after the above heating. Suitable for high overmelt point polymer materials. If the melting point of the fiber forming polymer is less than the melting point, the melting bar method must be selected, which is to dissolve the fiber forming polymer into a spinning solution with a certain viscosity by using appropriate organic solvents. For specific industrial production, there are two preparation methods for spinning melt pump :- one is to spin the polymer melt obtained by casting tape, granulation and other processes, which is called immediate spinning; 

The other is through the spinning machine, the polymer melt obtained by the aggregation is made into a "slice" through the casting strip, granulation and other processes, and then spinning in the spinning machine, this method is called slice spinning. The production of water-soluble spinning fluids, such as PAN, can also be done in two ways. Firstly, the fiber aqueous solution obtained after polymerization is immediately used as the spinning source solution, which is called one-step method. Secondly, the fiber aqueous solution obtained after polymerization is first made into particles or powders, and then deeply decomposed to obtain the spinning source solution, which is called the two-step method. In order to make the spinning solution have good spinning properties, the spinning solution must go through mixing, over-annoying, defoaming and other processes to remove the residue and bubbles before spinning.

 Deep preparation spinning deep solution has good solubility, low toxicity, easy to buy, high quality and low price not easy to detonate and explode. When spinning with spinning solution, in order to improve the gloss of the fiber, a matting agent can be added to make the fiber produce a bright, polished or semi-polished effect. 

The whole process of the rotating liquid being evenly squeezed out of the skin pores of the spinneret or spinneret plate by a rotary pump or piston metering pump, and then dried into strips in a gas, water or condensation bath is called rotation or fiber forming. Newly woven silk is called a new fiber. Spinning is an important process of organic chemical fiber processing, the change of spinning standards can adjust the structure of the fiber in a large range, so as to relatively change the physical physical properties of the fiber obtained by the individual. According to the different characteristics of fiber forming polymers, the spinning methods of organic chemical fibers mainly include melt spinning and liquid spinning, in addition to unique or non-traditional spinning methods. 

According to the different condensation method, melt spinning method is divided into wet spinning and dry spinning two types. Most of the production and manufacturing of organic fibers use melt spinning, followed by wet spinning, and only a few use dry or other non-traditional spinning methods to produce and manufacture. Melt pump using spinning method The spinning method of melt pump application is to continuously extrude the spinning melt through the screw of the spinning machine, press out the spinneret hole through the quantitative analysis of the spinning pump, spray into the air, and cool into the spinning tube. At present, the spinning speed of melt spinning method is generally 1000-2000M/min. Choose to adjust the spinning can be 000-6000M/min. Steel spinneret hole: polyester yarn is 1-150 holes, short fiber is less than 400-800 holes, more than 1000-2000 holes. 

The diameter of the spinneret steel sheet is generally 0.2~0.4 mm. The main characteristics of melt spinning process are fast speed of winding machine, no use of organic solvents and coagulants, simple machine equipment, short production process, is an economic, practical and efficient forming method. 

The relativity of spinneret holes is relatively low. In recent years, on the basis of the introduction of digestion technology in China, low-speed, low-speed, porous structure of low-speed short-range spinning has been formed to produce polypropylene fabric and polyester fabric. Polyester fabric, cotton fabric and polypropylene fabric are all spun by melt spinning method. The new fiber obtained in the whole spinning process, its structure is still not perfect, the physical properties are weak, mainly in the fiber super strength is very low, the tensile capacity is very large, the water shrinkage rate is very high, can not be directly used to weave yarn, therefore, the new fiber must also go through a series of post-production process to improve the structure and improve the performance. Regulations on the production, processing and application of textiles. The actual process of organic fiber production and processing varies with the type and type of fiber (such as polyester yarn, staple fiber, etc.), but most can be divided into two kinds of staple fiber and polyester yarn.    
