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Suzhou Zhan Heng intelligent to introduce: spinning machine power factor is generally how much?

Suzhou Zhan Heng intelligent to introduce: spinning machine power factor is generally how much?

The power factor of the spinning machine is generally 0.80, which is suitable for agricultural users and wholesale users of 100 kVA and 

above, but large industry

Customers are not classified as wholesale customers directly managed by the electricity industry, so the power factor standard should be 

0.85. Spinning machine is a kind of fiber forming polymer solution or melt into a filament

The machine. According to different fiber spinning methods, spinning machines are divided into three types: wet spinning machine, melt 

spinning machine and dry spinning machine. Suitable for viscose fiber, acrylic fiber, Vinylon and other spinning.

The main feature is that the polymer solution is extruded from the spinneret hole and solidified into the primary fiber in the solidification

 solution tank, and the spinning speed is low, often below 100 meters per minute, and the high-speed spinning speed can reach about 200

 meters per minute.
