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Today, I will briefly share with you: What are the main points of spinning machine start-up operation?

Today, I will briefly share with you: What are the main points of spinning machine start-up operation? 

 Spinning machine boot operation points 

1, 15 ~ 20h before driving biphenyl temperature to the set temperature.

 2. 4 to 6 hours before driving, the temperature in each area of the screw extruder rises to the set value, and the cooling water valve is opened at the same time, and the flow rate is adjusted at 25 to 35L/min. 

3. The green signal light on the control screen indicates that you can drive. Partially open the slice feed valve to allow a small amount of slices to enter the screw extruder. Start the screw extruder, after the screw speed gradually increases, open the dry slice feed valve, the screw extruder speed control is changed to the automatic return of the outlet pressure to adjust the speed.

 4, if the car, install the discharge plate, discharge 2 ~ 6h, so that the impurities in the pipeline are washed away. 

Switch the pre-filter from washing filter core to a normal working filter. Break off the drain plate and install the metering pump that has been preheated for 1 ~ 3h. Before opening the newly installed capacity pump, move by hand. If the conversion is flexible, the pump can be pumped and the metering pump can be closed. 

About 0.5h for each set of discharge, turn off the metering pump, install the spinning assembly preheated for more than 6h, and then open the metering pump, and the spinning assembly can be spun after 20min. 5, if it is not the first time to drive, it is not necessary to wash the melt pipe and install the metering pump, after opening the screw extruder to normal, you can open the metering pump, discharge 10 ~ 30min, you can install the spinning assembly. 

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