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How to judge whether the performance of the intelligent spinning machine meets the requirements?

To determine whether the performance of the intelligent spinning machine meets the requirements, it can be evaluated from the following aspects:

First, production efficiency

1. Yield evaluation

- First, record the actual output of the smart spinning machine in a certain period of time (such as a day, a week or a month). Compare this with the theoretical yield claimed by the device manufacturer. For example, if the manufacturer claims that the spinning machine can produce 100 kg of fiber per hour, the theoretical yield should be 800 kg when the actual operation is 8 hours. If the actual yield is significantly lower than the theoretical yield, it is necessary to further find the cause, which may be equipment failure, improper setting of process parameters, etc.

- At the same time, the output can also be compared with other spinning machines of the same type. If under the same production conditions, the output of the smart spinning machine is lower than that of other equipment, then its production efficiency may be problematic.

2. Stability of running speed

- Observe the speed stability of the intelligent spinning machine during operation. Professional speed measuring instruments can be used to regularly measure key operating speed indicators such as spinning speed and drawing speed of the spinning machine. For example, in the continuous operation of 1 hour, the spinning speed is measured every 10 minutes, if the speed fluctuation range exceeds the equipment's specified fluctuation range of ±5%, then the speed stability of the equipment is not good, which may affect the production efficiency and product quality.

- Check the speed change of the equipment under different load conditions. When the equipment gradually increases from no-load to full load, observe whether its speed can remain relatively stable, or whether there is a significant decrease. If the speed drops too much at full load, it indicates that the power system or transmission system of the equipment may be insufficient.

Second, product quality

1. Fiber quality index detection

- Quality inspection of the produced fibers. The test items include fiber fineness, strength, elongation, uniformity and other key indicators. For example, the fineness of the fiber is measured using a fiber fineness analyzer, and the strength and elongation of the fiber are tested by a tensile tester. If these quality indicators of the fiber fluctuate greatly, beyond the allowable range of industry standards or internal regulations of the enterprise, then the performance of the intelligent spinning machine may not meet the production requirements of high-quality products.

- Compare the quality consistency of different batches. Several batches of fiber products were randomly selected and their quality indexes were compared and analyzed. If the quality difference between different batches of products is obvious, it indicates that the stability and consistency of the intelligent spinning machine in the production process has problems, which may be caused by inaccurate process parameter control or unstable operation of the equipment.

2. Check the appearance quality

- Visually check the appearance quality of the fiber to see if there are defects such as hair, broken wire, oil pollution, etc. If the number of hairs and broken hairs in a certain length of fiber sample exceeds the specified standard (such as the number of hairs and broken hairs per 100 meters of fiber does not exceed 5), or there is obvious pollution such as oil pollution on the surface of the fiber, then there may be problems in the production process of the intelligent spinning machine, such as uneven winding tension and insufficient cleanliness of the equipment.

Third, process control ability

1. Precision of process parameters

- Check the control accuracy of the process parameters of the intelligent spinning machine. For example, for temperature control during spinning, a high-precision temperature sensor is used to measure the actual temperature and compare it with the temperature set by the device. If the set temperature is 250 ° C, and the actual temperature fluctuation range exceeds ±2 ° C (the specific accuracy requirements are determined according to different fiber varieties and production processes), then the temperature control accuracy of the equipment does not meet the requirements. Similarly, similar precision testing is required for other process parameters such as pressure and speed.

- Observe the response speed of the equipment after the adjustment of process parameters. When a process parameter (such as spinning speed) is changed, the time required for the equipment to reach a new stable state is recorded. If the response time is too long (such as more than 5 minutes, the specific time depends on the production requirements), it may affect the flexibility of production and the stability of product quality.

2. Degree of automation control

- Evaluate whether the automatic control function of the intelligent spinning machine is perfect. Check whether the equipment can automatically complete the whole process of fiber spinning, drawing, winding, etc., and can automatically adjust the process parameters according to the preset program during the production process. For example, when there is a deviation in the fineness of the fiber, whether the device can automatically adjust parameters such as spinning speed and drawing ratio to correct the deviation. If the automatic control function of the device is not perfect and requires too much manual intervention, its intelligence and performance may not meet the requirements.

- Test equipment fault self-diagnosis and automatic recovery function. Simulate some common equipment failures, such as sensor failures, motor failures, etc., to observe whether the equipment can accurately diagnose the fault type and take corresponding measures, such as automatic shutdown, alarm and prompt fault causes. At the same time, check whether the device automatically recovers after the fault is rectified. If the equipment does not perform well in fault handling, it may affect the continuity and stability of production.

Fourth, energy consumption

1. Energy consumption monitoring

- Install an energy metering device to monitor the energy consumption of the smart spinning machine in real time. Record the energy consumption data of the equipment under different operating conditions (such as no-load, full load, different production speed, etc.), including the consumption of electricity, steam and other energy. For example, when producing the same amount of fiber products, compare the energy consumption of smart spinning machines with that of traditional spinning machines. If the energy consumption of the intelligent spinning machine is significantly higher than that of similar equipment or exceeds the energy-saving target set by the enterprise, then further analysis is needed to analyze the reasons, which may be improper application of energy-saving technology of the equipment or inefficient operation of the equipment.

2. Energy efficiency ratio evaluation

- Calculate the energy efficiency ratio of the smart spinning machine, that is, the ratio of the value of the product output of the equipment to the cost of energy consumption. For example, if the market value of producing 1 kg of fiber product is 10 yuan, and the cost of energy consumed to produce that 1 kg of fiber product is 2 yuan, then the energy efficiency ratio is 5. By comparing the energy efficiency ratio of different time periods or different production batches, it is possible to assess whether the energy efficiency of the equipment is stable and efficient. If the energy efficiency ratio continues to decline, the performance of the device may be deteriorating and needs to be maintained or optimized.

5. Equipment stability and reliability

1. Continuous running time

- Record the continuous running time of the intelligent spinning machine, and observe whether the equipment can maintain stable performance during long-term operation. In general, it is required that the equipment can run continuously for more than 72 hours without major failure (the specific continuous operation time requirements can be determined according to the production needs of the enterprise and the commitment of the equipment manufacturer). If the equipment fails frequently in a short period of time, it indicates that its stability and reliability have problems.

- Check the performance indicators of the device during continuous operation. For example, every certain time (such as 4 hours) to measure the quality index of the fiber and the operating speed, temperature and other parameters of the equipment, to see if there are obvious changes or fluctuations. If the device performance deteriorates during continuous operation, it indicates that the device may be worn, aged, or have other potential problems.

2. Fault incidence

- Statistics of the number of failures of the intelligent spinning machine within a certain period of time (such as one month). Compare this with 
