• Details:
  • Product characteristics :

               This series of models is suitable for spinning one component, twocomponent composite, three component composite polymer UDY/POY-/FDY filament fiber development experiment, applicable polymer.bio-based and modified materials are: PET PTT PBT PA PEPP PLAPHA,PGA,PBATPBS,PPS,PMMA,TPU, EVA,ec., select materialswith similar melting temperature and viscosity in composite spinning tocombine, which is conducive to spinn  ing stability and spinnability.The experimental machine has a wide range of adaptability, compactstructure, intelligent timing heating function, Internet of Things controlsystem, the centralized control system of the whole machine has manyfunctions such as setting, monitoring, storage, alarm, etc., easy startupoperation,fast product adjustment, less waste and so on. By theindustry's vast R & D institutions, enterprises and colleges and otherusers of favor.